Demon - Invincible: A Triumph of Melodic Metal

Invincible by Demon: The NWoBHM Legends’ Triumphant Return with a Melodic Metal Masterpiece

As the world of metal eagerly anticipates the release of Demon’s fourteenth studio album, “Invincible,” it’s clear that the band has once again surpassed expectations. With a legacy stretching over four decades, Demon has been a chameleon of the metal scene, evolving from their New Wave of British Heavy Metal (NWoBHM) roots to embrace hard rock and progressive elements.

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“Invincible” is a testament to Demon’s enduring creativity and musical prowess. The album, set to release on May 17, 2024, marks a significant return for the band after a seven-year hiatus. The lineup, anchored by founder and vocalist Dave Hill, sees the return of former keyboard player Paul “Fasker” Johnson on bass, with Rick Benton of Magnum fame adding his keyboard skills for live performances.

The album’s sound is a masterful blend of traditional NWoBHM, melodic hard rock, and a touch of AOR accessibility. Tracks like “Face The Master” and “Beyond The Darkside” are pure melodic metal, with the signature twin guitar riffs and rhythms that fans have come to love. Meanwhile, songs such as “Hole In The Sky” and “Cradle To Grave” delve into a heavier, doom metal-inspired sound, showcasing the band’s versatility.

Lyrically, “Invincible” covers a range of themes that Demon has explored throughout their career, from UFOs and the afterlife to horror films. The single “Face The Master” is a horror-themed anthem that’s sure to become a staple in the band’s live set. The album also features a ballad, “Forever Seventeen,” which offers the most personal lyrics on the record, resonating with rockers of all ages.

Demon’s “Invincible” is not just an album; it’s a statement. It’s a declaration that the band remains a force to be reckoned with in the metal world. With its consistent musical flow and classic melodic metal rock sound, “Invincible” is poised to captivate both long-time fans and a new generation of listeners.

The band’s partnership with Frontiers Music srl ensures that “Invincible” will reach audiences far and wide. As Demon prepares to tour in 2024, the excitement is palpable. The album is more than just a collection of songs; it’s a journey through the heart of metal, a genre that continues to evolve while staying true to its roots.

In conclusion, “Invincible” is a celebration of Demon’s legacy and a bold step forward. It’s an album that honors the past while forging ahead with fresh, invigorating energy. For those who have followed Demon’s storied career, “Invincible” is a welcome addition to their discography. And for newcomers, it’s an electrifying introduction to a band that has shaped the sound of metal for decades.

Get ready to rock with Demon’s “Invincible” – a melodic metal masterpiece that proves some legends never die; they only grow stronger with time.🤘

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