Album Review: Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive

Pallbearer’s ‘Mind Burns Alive’: A Sonic Evolution into Emotional Heaviness

Arkansas-based doom metal band Pallbearer has once again graced the music scene with their latest offering, ‘Mind Burns Alive’. Known for their unique blend of atonal harmonics and droning riffs, Pallbearer has taken a significant leap in their musical journey with this album. ‘Mind Burns Alive’ marks a departure from their earlier, heavier sound to a more refined and emotionally charged direction.

Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive Album Artwork.jpg
Pallbearer - Mind Burns Alive Album Artwork

The album opens with ‘Where the Light Fades’, a track that sets the tone for the entire record. It begins with a delicate build-up, showcasing the band’s newfound appreciation for softer, more astute compositions. This track, like the rest of the album, is a testament to Pallbearer’s growth from their raw, amateurish beginnings to a band capable of crafting catchy, mainstream melodies without sacrificing their signature sound.

Critics have noted that ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is possibly Pallbearer’s most cohesive and competently composed album to date. Each song is imbued with direction and purpose, moving away from the “chuggy, mistakes on purpose” style to a more polished and deliberate approach. The album retains the dissonant harmonies that have been a hallmark of Pallbearer’s career but presents them in a way that is haunting, surprising, and emotionally expressive.

The emotional weight of the album is palpable, touching upon themes of loneliness and the human experience. Vocalist Brett Campbell’s raw and vulnerable delivery adds to the album’s depth, as he explores dynamics and sonic colors more deeply than in previous works. The band’s belief that true heaviness comes from emotional weight rather than sheer bludgeoning is evident throughout the album.

While long-time fans may find the change jarring, ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is a bold statement of Pallbearer’s ability to evolve. The album’s tranquil and complex riffage creates an atmosphere of longing and desperation, making it a decidedly emotional journey. The shift towards a more dynamic and less languid sound allows the heavier moments to carry more meaning, showcasing smart songwriting and a mature understanding of their craft.

Album Overview: ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is a six-track journey that runs for over 50 minutes, showcasing Pallbearer’s evolution in sound and narrative depth. The album is set to release on May 17, 2024, and it’s already creating a buzz for its introspective themes and sonic innovation.

The official video for “Endless Place,” the second single from Pallbearer’s album ‘Mind Burns Alive,’ is a visually striking piece that complements the song’s deeply moving themes. Directed by Dan Almasy, the video presents a dream-like scenario that unfolds both lyrically and musically, focusing on a sense of being lost, disjointed, and trapped by unease and confusion.

The video’s black-and-white cinematography adds to the song’s emotional weight, illustrating the vignettes of people dealing with myriad sicknesses of the spirit as described in the album. It’s a powerful visual representation of the themes Pallbearer explores throughout 'Mind Burns Alive’.

“Endless Place” itself is a lengthy track, running for 10:38, and the video captures the epic scale of the song. The release of the video has been well-received, with fans praising its artistic direction and how it reflects the band’s narrative and sonic journey.


  1. Where The Light Fades (06:39)
  2. Mind Burns Alive (07:57)
  3. Signals (07:53)
  4. Endless Place (10:38)
  5. Daybreak (07:11)
  6. With Disease (10:35)

Production and Recording: The album was produced by Pallbearer themselves, ensuring that their vision was uncompromised. Recording took place at Fellowship Hall Sound with Zach Reeves and Jason Weinheimer, with additional recording by Devin Holt at Maple and Joseph D Rowland at Idlewild Audio. The mixing was handled by Mario Quintero at Audio MQ Headquarters, and the mastering was done by Matt Colton at Metropolis Music.

Artwork and Design: The cover photograph for ‘Mind Burns Alive’ was taken by Bill Armstrong, with layout and design by Simon Henderson. The visual elements of the album complement the music’s thematic exploration of isolation, trauma, and the possibility of redemption.

Listening Party: Fans had the opportunity to join a listening party on May 16, 2024, where the album was played in its entirety, allowing fans to chat with the band during the playback.

Musical Direction: Described as navigating the space between disquiet and serenity, ‘Mind Burns Alive’ finds Pallbearer at their most intense. The album is a heartfelt meditation on isolation, trauma, and mental breakdown, yet it’s framed by the possibility of redemption and escape. It’s both poetic and blistering, offering a heartfelt meditation that’s framed by the quiet, aching beauty of escape.

Critical Reception: Early reviews and fan reactions suggest that ‘Mind Burns Alive’ could be a contender for Album of the Year. The first track, ‘Where The Light Fades’, has been compared to the likes of Pink Floyd and Porcupine Tree, yet it unmistakably carries Pallbearer’s signature sound.

Availability: The album is available for pre-order in various formats, including digital download, CD, and vinyl. There are special editions like the Band Exclusive Copper 2xLP and Open Edition Orange 2xLP, although they are currently sold out due to high demand.

‘Mind Burns Alive’ is shaping up to be a pivotal release for Pallbearer, marking a new chapter in their career with its emotional depth and musical maturity. Fans and new listeners alike can look forward to experiencing the full spectrum of Pallbearer’s artistic expression.

Tour Information: Following the release of ‘Mind Burns Alive’, Pallbearer is set to embark on a North American tour. This tour will not only promote the new album but also give fans a chance to experience the band’s powerful live performances. The tour dates and venues are expected to be announced shortly after the album’s release.

Band’s Evolution: ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is a significant leap from their previous album, ‘Forgotten Days’, which was released in 2020. The band has taken a new direction with their sound, exploring more complex musical arrangements and diving deeper into emotional storytelling.

Fan Anticipation: The anticipation for ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is high among fans, with many expressing their excitement on social media platforms. The single ‘Where The Light Fades’ has already received praise for its depth and maturity, indicating that the album is likely to be well-received upon release.

Label and Distribution: The album will be released under the Nuclear Blast Records label, ensuring a wide distribution and availability across various platforms. Nuclear Blast Records is known for supporting bands in the metal genre, and their partnership with Pallbearer is expected to bring ‘Mind Burns Alive’ to a broad audience.

Digital Availability: In addition to physical copies, ‘Mind Burns Alive’ will be available for digital streaming and download. Fans can pre-order the album on platforms like Bandcamp, where they can also listen to two tracks immediately upon pre-ordering.

Merchandise: To commemorate the release of ‘Mind Burns Alive’, Pallbearer is offering exclusive merchandise, including limited edition vinyl records. While some editions have already sold out, fans are encouraged to check back for restocks and new merchandise releases.

In conclusion, ‘Mind Burns Alive’ is a significant entry in Pallbearer’s discography, signaling a new era for the band. With its poignant collection of songs and sublime musicianship, the album stands as a testament to the band’s evolution and their mastery of emotional heaviness. It is a record that not only challenges the boundaries of doom metal but also offers a deeply resonant experience for listeners willing to embark on this sonic exploration.

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  1. Favorite track: Endless Place.
    I have listened it many times. You might like this. hail \m/
