Album Review: My Dying Bride - A Mortal Binding

Embracing Shadows: My Dying Bride’s ‘A Mortal Binding’ Album Review

The album “A Mortal Binding” by My Dying Bride is steeped in rich thematic content and background concepts that are quintessential to the band’s style. The album was released on April 19, 2024, and it was recorded between July and September 2023. The band’s frontman, Aaron Stainthorpe, described the theme of the lead single “Thornwyck Hymn” as being set upon the rugged coast of Yorkshire, where the village of Thornwick is haunted by the chill waters and the hidden folk who dwell in the depths. He warns of the dangers of venturing too close to the sea, as one might never return to solid ground.

My Dying Bride - A Mortal Binding Album Artwork.jpg
The album’s concept seems to revolve around the exploration of darkness and the beauty found within it, a theme that My Dying Bride has long embraced. It’s described as a re-discovery of their prowess in the exploration of the beauty of darkness and a reaffirmation of their Baroque majesty. This aligns with the band’s history of creating music that is both powerful and laden with emotional depth, often touching on themes of despair and melancholy.

“A Mortal Binding” is not just a continuation of My Dying Bride’s legacy but also a reflection of their consistent ability to produce music that captures the essence of doom metal. The album’s background concept, as with much of their work, is a tapestry of gothic narratives and somber melodies that invite listeners into a world of introspection and poetic darkness.

“A Mortal Binding” by My Dying Bride explores a variety of themes that are both characteristic of the band’s style and fresh in their narrative. The album delves into Lovecraftian themes, particularly in the track “Thornwyck Hymn,” which is imbued with a melodic siren song that evokes the eerie and supernatural elements associated with H.P. Lovecraft’s works.

The song “The 2nd Of Three Bells” is described as epically poetic, with Aaron Stainthorpe’s dark, velvet vocals painting a picture of an angelic figure associated with a cruel fate or end times. This track, like much of the album, is steeped in gothic imagery and a sense of impending doom, which is a hallmark of the band’s music.

Throughout the album, there’s a consistent exploration of elegiac beauty and atmosphere, with the band’s signature doom metal sound serving as a backdrop for narratives of despair, sorrow, and the darker aspects of the human experience. The themes are presented with a level of sophistication and depth that invites listeners to explore the layers of meaning within each track.

Overall, “A Mortal Binding” stays true to My Dying Bride’s legacy of creating music that is rich in atmosphere and emotion, while also venturing into new thematic territories that will resonate with fans and newcomers alike.

“My Dying Bride’s” new album “A Mortal Binding” has been met with positive reviews, and when compared to their earlier works, it stands out for several reasons:

Return to Heavier Sound: Critics have noted that “A Mortal Binding” marks a return to a heavier sound for the band, reminiscent of their earlier doom metal style.

Dynamic and Rockier: The album is described as more dynamic and rockier, showing less contentment with sitting in one place and often responding to the staid civility of previous works with a more intense energy.

Consistent Identity: Despite exploring new territories, My Dying Bride has maintained their sense of identity, with a consistently strong output that has seldom wavered over their 30-plus-year career.

Comparison to “The Ghost of Orion”: Some reviews suggest that “A Mortal Binding” is a step up from their previous album, “The Ghost of Orion,” which had a more approachable side but lacked the quality of some of the band’s most defining releases.

Song Structure and Themes: The opening track “Her Dominion” is comparable in structure to “The Wreckage of My Flesh” from the 2004 album “Songs of Darkness, Words of Light,” showcasing all the cornerstones of the My Dying Bride sound.

The tracklist for My Dying Bride’s album “A Mortal Binding” along with some details is as follows:

  1. Her Dominion - A powerful opener that sets the tone for the album with its heavy riffs and atmospheric depth.
  2. Thornwyck Hymn - The lead single, known for its Lovecraftian themes and haunting melodies.
  3. The 2nd of Three Bells - A track that stands out for its poetic lyrics and dark, velvet vocals.
  4. Unthroned Creed - Adds to the album’s narrative with its unique blend of doom and gothic metal elements.
  5. The Apocalyptist - An 11-minute epic that takes the listener on an emotional journey.
  6. A Starving Heart - Noted for its atmospheric qualities and encapsulating the essence of the album.
  7. Crushed Embers - A track that concludes the album on a high note, leaving a lasting impression.

These tracks exemplify the band’s ability to blend doom metal with gothic and death-doom elements, creating a rich and immersive listening experience. Each song stands out for its unique qualities while contributing to the cohesive narrative of “A Mortal Binding”.

The album was produced, mixed, and mastered by Mark Mynett at Mynetaur Productions studio in Manchester. The band has continued to evolve their sound while staying true to their roots, and “A Mortal Binding” is a testament to their enduring legacy in the doom metal genre.

The music video for “Thornwyck Hymn” by My Dying Bride is a visually captivating piece that complements the song’s haunting and atmospheric qualities. Directed by Daniel Gray, the video was released to coincide with the single and the album "A Mortal Binding".

Here are some details about the music video:

  • Director: Daniel Gray is known for his ability to capture the essence of the music he’s visualizing, and he brings a maritime story of desire and tragedy to life in this video.
  • Narrative: The video depicts a tempestuous and heart-wrenching maritime story, which aligns with the song’s themes of unfolding desire and tragedy.

Release Date: The video was made available on various platforms around the time of the album’s release, adding to the anticipation and excitement for the full album.

The critics have shared their thoughts on My Dying Bride’s album “A Mortal Binding,” offering a range of perspectives:

Metal Hammer described the album as maintaining the band’s signature atmosphere and elegiac beauty, though it noted a level of predictability. The review praised Aaron Stainthorpe’s vocal performance and the continuity provided by returning producer Mark Mynett.

Metal Injection lauded the album, highlighting its gothic melancholy and death/doom prowess. The review appreciated the moments that recalled the band’s earlier menacing quality and praised tracks like “Unthroned Creed” and “The Apocalyptist” for their infectious and atmospheric qualities.

Angry Metal Guy found the album to be comfortable and mostly good, but not great by My Dying Bride’s standards, particularly pointing out that the last two songs didn’t quite hold up to the first five.

GRIMM Gent praised the album for returning to the classic old gothic doom metal sound, noting the effective dual guitars and violin, and sorrowful vocals.

Album of The Year considered “A Mortal Binding” a step up from the band’s last project, appreciating its heavier sound and manageably concise length for a doom metal record.

The album’s critical reception has been largely positive, with reviewers noting its return to the band’s heavier roots and its ability to maintain the atmospheric and gothic qualities that fans have come to expect. While some critics have pointed out a sense of predictability in the latter tracks, the consensus is clear: My Dying Bride continues to evolve, and “A Mortal Binding” is a testament to their enduring legacy.

As the band moves forward, they carry with them the weight of over three decades of music—a legacy that is both a blessing and a challenge. With “A Mortal Binding,” they rise to meet this challenge, delivering an album that is not only a reflection of their past but also a bold step into the future.

For fans old and new, “A Mortal Binding” is a reminder of why My Dying Bride remains a beloved pillar in the doom metal community. It is an album that demands to be heard, to be felt, and to be remembered—as all great music should.

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