Album Review: Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey

Necrophobic’s ‘In The Twilight Grey’ Review: A Dark Descent into Melodic Black Metal Mastery

Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐🌟 (8.2/10)

From the dark corridors of the Swedish black metal scene, Necrophobic emerges once again with their latest offering, “In The Twilight Grey.” This album is a testament to the band’s unwavering commitment to the sinister and the macabre, a journey through the shadowy realms of melodic black metal.

Necrophobic - In The Twilight Grey Album Artwork.jpg

The Aura of Darkness

The album opens with a haunting ambience that sets the tone for what’s to come. It’s not just music; it’s an experience that encapsulates the listener in a shroud of darkness. The title track, “In The Twilight Grey,” is a masterpiece that combines aggressive riffing with an atmosphere so dense, it’s almost tangible.

Melodic Mayhem

Necrophobic has always been known for their ability to weave melody into the chaos of black metal, and this album is no exception. Tracks like “As Stars Collide” showcase the band’s skill in creating melodies that are both captivating and chilling. The guitar work is intricate, weaving a web of notes that ensnare the soul.

Rhythmic Rituals

The drumming on the album is nothing short of ritualistic. It’s not just about keeping time; it’s about creating a heartbeat for the dark hymns that Necrophobic performs. Joakim Sterner’s work behind the kit is both precise and powerful, driving the songs forward with an unstoppable force.

Vocal Venom

The vocals are a venomous outpouring of emotion, ranging from guttural growls to piercing screams. They serve as the perfect vehicle for the band’s lyrical exploration of the night and its mysteries. Each word is delivered with an intensity that matches the ferocity of the instruments.

A Twilight Triumph

“In The Twilight Grey” is a triumph for Necrophobic, solidifying their place in the pantheon of black metal greats. It’s an album that will be remembered for its ability to capture the essence of the genre while pushing its boundaries. For fans of black metal, this album is not just a collection of songs; it’s a ritual, a celebration of the darkness that music can evoke.

Here are some standout tracks from Necrophobic’s album “In The Twilight Grey” that showcase the band’s unique blend of melodic black metal:

Stormcrow”: This track stands out with its relentless energy and powerful riffs, making it a highlight of the album.

Blackened The Horizon”: A song that captures the essence of the band’s dark aesthetic with its brooding atmosphere and intense delivery.

Mirrors of a Thousand Lakes”: Known for its haunting melodies, this track is a fan favorite for its depth and emotional resonance.

Cast in Stone”: Featuring a mix of aggressive and melodic elements, this song exemplifies the band’s ability to craft memorable metal anthems.

The Torture Never Stops”: A cover that Necrophobic has made their own, adding a unique twist to the classic track with their signature sound.

These tracks are just a few examples of the album’s rich and diverse offerings, each contributing to the overall dark and atmospheric experience that is “In The Twilight Grey.” Enjoy exploring these standout tracks! 🎸🖤

Necrophobic’s “In The Twilight Grey” is a profound exploration of the dark and melodic realms of black metal. Here’s a detailed look at the album’s tracks and the critical reception it has received:

Album Tracks:

  1. Grace of the Past - A powerful opener that sets a suspenseful tone before unleashing a torrent of black metal dissonance.
  2. Clavis Inferni - A standout track with relentless drumming and traditional black metal chord voicings, showcasing the band’s tight arrangements.
  3. As Stars Collide - Features dramatic keys and stacked vocals, highlighting Necrophobic’s epic side.
  4. Stormcrow - A heavy track that expands on the classic sound of “The Third Antichrist,” with a melodic twist after the first chorus.
  5. Shadows of the Brightest Night - An indulgent track channeling early-era Dissection and mid-career Behemoth, culminating in manic laughter.
  6. Mirrors of a Thousand Lakes - Known for its haunting melodies, this track is a fan favorite for its emotional depth.
  7. Cast in Stone - Combines aggressive and melodic elements, featuring catchy guitar soloing.
  8. Nordanvind - A unique track that strays from the standard Necrophobic template to create something new.
  9. In the Twilight Grey - The title track envelops listeners in the album’s dark atmosphere.
  10. Ascension (Episode Four) - A shorter piece that concludes the album with a sense of finality.

“Stormcrow” by Necrophobic is a riveting track that stands as a testament to the band’s enduring legacy in the blackened death metal genre. The official video, which is a part of their album “In The Twilight Grey,” was released by Century Media Records and has captivated audiences with its dark and immersive visuals.

The video, directed by Claudio Marino, is a visual feast that complements the song’s intense and brooding atmosphere. It features the band performing amidst a backdrop that perfectly encapsulates the essence of the track—dark, mysterious, and undeniably powerful1. The production by Artax Film enhances the overall experience, creating a seamless blend of audio and visual storytelling.

“Stormcrow” itself is a song that showcases Necrophobic’s skillful blend of ferocious riffs and atmospheric depth. The lyrics paint a picture of a lone, wise wolf, a wounded beast rising with a hunger in its eyes, laying trust in a winged truth sayer—a stormcrow. This narrative is brought to life through the video, where the imagery of fire and ascension plays a central role, symbolizing the rise from darkness to a place of higher understanding and power.

The critical reception of the video and the track has been overwhelmingly positive, with fans and critics alike praising its composition and execution. The song’s structure, featuring a slow-paced bridge with a strong heavy metal feel, has been noted for taking classic Necrophobic elements and blending them into something fresh yet familiar.

“Stormcrow” is not just a song; it’s a journey through the band’s vision of blackened death metal, and the official video serves as a perfect visual representation of this journey. It’s a piece that stands out in Necrophobic’s discography and continues to resonate with fans for its powerful delivery and captivating imagery.

Critical Reception: The album has been met with acclaim for its blend of intensity and accessibility. Critics have praised Necrophobic for maintaining their classic sound while not shying away from exploring new territories. The album has been described as possibly their strongest offering since the 2006 modern classic, “Hrimthursum.” Tracks like “Clavis Inferni” and “Stormcrow” have been highlighted for their influence on the modern Black Thrash movement, with bands like Hellripper and Cloak owing much to Necrophobic’s sound.

The album’s structure has been commended for its harmonic choruses, melodic licks, and pacing that immerses listeners into Necrophobic’s world. Despite its 54-minute runtime, it never feels too long or loses its grip on the listener. “Shadows of the Brightest Night” has been noted as an album highlight, indulging in heavy metal mastery.

Album Score breakdown by infoburst USA

Here is our score to Necrophobic’s album “In The Twilight Grey,” 

Musicianship: 9/10

Originality: 8/10

Songwriting: 8/10

Production Quality: 9/10

Consistency: 8/10

Album Artwork: 7/10

Lyrics: 8/10

Atmosphere: 9/10

Cohesiveness: 7.5/10

Impact: 8.5/10

Overall Score: 82/100

This score reflects the album’s strong musicianship, high production quality, and the dark atmosphere that Necrophobic is known for. The slightly lower score for originality and artwork takes into account the band’s adherence to their established style and the competitive nature of album visuals in the genre. The overall score of 8.5 out of 10 signifies a highly commendable effort by the band, making “In The Twilight Grey” a must-listen for fans of black metal. 🎼🖤

Tags: Necrophobic, In The Twilight Grey review, Black metal album review, Swedish metal band, Melodic black metal, New Necrophobic album, Metal music critique, Dark metal releases, Album rating, Metal fan must-listen, Necrophobic In The Twilight Grey critic, Necrophobic In The Twilight Grey score, Necrophobic In The Twilight Grey rating, Necrophobic In The Twilight Grey album review

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