Album Review: Deicide - Banished by Sin

Deicide’s “Banished By Sin”: A Brutal Testament to Death Metal’s Evolution

Deicide, a name synonymous with the ferocity and blasphemy of death metal, returns with their latest opus, “Banished By Sin”. This album marks a continuation of the band’s relentless pursuit of sonic devastation, a journey that has been both unwavering and full of surprises.

Deicide - Banished by Sin Album Artwork.jpg

The Unyielding Path of Deicide

For over three decades, Deicide has carved a niche in the annals of death metal, not just with their music but also with their unapologetically controversial themes. “Banished By Sin” is no exception, as it delivers a full-force assault that is both familiar and fresh. The band’s trajectory over the last decade has been consistent, with a sound that is full, forceful, and absolutely crushing.

Here is the complete track listing for Deicide’s album “Banished By Sin”:

  1. From Unknown Heights You Shall Fall
  2. Doomed to Die
  3. Sever the Tongue
  4. Faithless
  5. Bury The Cross… With Your Christ
  6. Woke from God
  7. Ritual Defied
  8. Failures of Your Dying Lord
  9. Banished by Sin
  10. A Trinity of None
  11. I Am I… A Curse of Death
  12. The Light Defeated

This tracklist reflects the band’s continued exploration of dark and intense themes, with each title hinting at the powerful and evocative music that Deicide is known for.

A Sound That Resonates with Power

The album opens with “From Unknown Heights You Shall Fall,” a track that immediately sets the tone with its thrash-infused riffs and Glenn Benton’s iconic growls. The song is a testament to the band’s ability to evolve while staying true to their roots. The thrash elements are more pronounced, a nod to death metal’s origins, yet they are seamlessly integrated into Deicide’s signature style.

The Bludgeoning Continues

As the album progresses, tracks like “Doomed To Die” and “Sever The Tongue” showcase the band’s knack for crafting anthemic death metal hymns. The riffs are relentless, the drums are punishing, and Benton’s vocals are as brutal as ever. It’s clear that Deicide has not lost their touch; if anything, they’ve honed it to a fine edge.

Production: Preserving the Magic

One of the standout aspects of “Banished By Sin” is its production. Glenn Benton has emphasized the importance of maintaining the raw energy and dynamics of the music throughout the recording process. The result is an album that sounds exactly as intended: unfiltered and powerful. The production allows each element to shine, from the intricate guitar work to the pummeling drums, creating a cohesive and impactful listening experience.

Lyrical Dissection and Standout Tracks

The Sinister Poetry of Deicide

“Banished By Sin” is not just an auditory experience; it’s a lyrical journey through the darkest corners of the human psyche. Deicide has always been known for their provocative and blasphemous lyrics, and this album continues that tradition with gusto. The lyrics are a complex tapestry of anti-religious sentiment, existential dread, and a celebration of individualism.

Deicide’s latest album “Banished By Sin” was accompanied by three gripping official music videos that capture the essence of the album’s themes and musical intensity.

The official video for Deicide’s “From Unknown Heights You Shall Fall” is a compelling visual narrative that enhances the song’s aggressive and dark themes. The video features the band performing with their characteristic intensity, interspersed with evocative imagery that reflects the song’s lyrical content. The cinematography is gritty and raw, capturing the essence of Deicide’s sound and the atmosphere of the album “Banished By Sin”. It’s a well-executed video that complements the track’s powerful delivery.

The official video for Deicide’s track “Bury The Cross… With Your Christ” is a ferocious visual accompaniment to the song. The video, which is age-restricted, features intense and blasphemous imagery that aligns with the band’s notorious themes. Glen Benton’s remarks, “Welcome to the Feast of Fools and bow before your Lord almighty, the end is upon us…bury the cross,” set the tone for this powerful and provocative piece. The video’s raw energy and uncompromising visuals make it a standout addition to Deicide’s discography.

The official video for Deicide’s “Sever The Tongue” is a dark and intense visual experience that perfectly captures the essence of the track. Directed by David Brodsky, the video features the band in their element, delivering a powerful performance that’s matched by the video’s brooding atmosphere and striking special effects. The visuals are a blend of performance footage and thematic elements that reflect the song’s aggressive lyrics, making it a compelling watch for fans of the band and the genre.

“Woke From God” - A Narrative of Rebellion

The track “Woke From God” stands out with its captivating series of interlocking riffs that guide the sonic narrative forward. The dual-delivery of Glenn’s brutal vocals and Steve Asheim’s unrelenting drums creates a devastating combination. This track exemplifies the modern Deicide sound—full, forceful, and absolutely crushing.

“A Trinity Of None” - Simplicity Meets Sophistication

Another highlight is “A Trinity Of None”. The song’s simplicity belies its sophistication, featuring guitar picking patterns and drum beats that could have emerged across the band’s career. Yet, everything comes together so perfectly that it all feels fresh again. The interaction between the guitars and Glenn’s vocal patterns makes it a catchy and engaging song.

Production - Preserving the Essence

The production of “Banished By Sin” plays a crucial role in its impact. Glenn Benton’s vision was to maintain the raw energy and dynamics of the music without over-compression. Producer Josh Wilbur did an incredible job keeping this vision intact, resulting in an album that sounds unfiltered and powerful.

Visual Artistry and Overall Impact

The Art of Darkness

The visual presentation of “Banished By Sin” is as impactful as the music itself. The album cover, a grotesque tableau of demonic imagery, perfectly encapsulates the essence of Deicide’s music. It’s a visual representation of the band’s longstanding themes of blasphemy and darkness. The artwork is intricate, with layers of symbolism that fans will enjoy deciphering.

A Cohesive Aesthetic Experience

The packaging of the album complements the music, creating a cohesive aesthetic experience. From the moment you hold the album in your hands, you’re transported into Deicide’s world—a place where the macabre and the sublime coexist. The attention to detail in the booklet, with its lyrics and accompanying illustrations, adds depth to the listening experience.

The Impact of “Banished By Sin”

“Banished By Sin” is more than just a collection of songs; it’s a statement. It’s Deicide reaffirming their position in the death metal hierarchy. The album’s impact lies not only in its musical brutality but also in its ability to evoke a visceral response from the listener. It’s an album that demands attention and respect.

The Legacy Continues

With this release, Deicide proves that they are not content to rest on their laurels. They continue to push boundaries and explore new territories while maintaining the core elements that have defined their sound for years. “Banished By Sin” is a testament to the band’s legacy and their ongoing relevance in the metal scene.

The Verdict on Deicide’s Latest Offering

“Banished By Sin” is a powerful statement from a band that has been a cornerstone of the death metal genre. Deicide’s thirteenth studio album is a testament to their ability to maintain relevance and deliver high-quality music that resonates with fans old and new.

The Essence of Deicide

The album encapsulates everything that Deicide stands for: brutal, blasphemous, and unapologetically aggressive. It’s a blend of the band’s classic sound with modern elements that showcase their evolution without losing the essence of what made them iconic.

Standout Moments

Tracks like “Woke From God” and “A Trinity Of None” are highlights, offering a mix of relentless riffs, intricate songwriting, and memorable hooks that will surely become fan favorites. The production, handled by Josh Wilbur, preserves the raw energy and dynamics of Deicide’s sound, ensuring that the album hits hard and leaves a lasting impact.

A Fitting Addition to the Deicide Catalog

“Banished By Sin” is not just another album; it’s a chapter in the ongoing saga of Deicide. It’s a record that will satisfy longtime followers while potentially drawing in a new generation of listeners1. The band’s commitment to their craft is evident in every track, making this album a fitting addition to their storied catalog.


In conclusion, “Banished By Sin” is a brutal, unrelenting, and thoroughly enjoyable album. It’s a reminder of why Deicide has remained a force in the metal world for over three decades. This album is a must-listen for any death metal enthusiast and a worthy addition to the band’s legacy.

I’d love to hear your thoughts on Deicide’s “Banished by Sin”! Feel free to comment below and share your opinions on the album. Whether it resonated with you, shook you to the core, or anything in between—your insights are invaluable to us and fellow metal enthusiasts alike. So, don’t hold back; let’s get a conversation going about this dark metal odyssey! 🤘

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