Gatecreeper’s Dark Superstition: The Pinnacle of Death Metal Mastery

Exploring the Abyss: Gatecreeper’s ‘Dark Superstition’ Album Review

Gatecreeper - Dark Superstition Album Artwork.jpeg

In the vast expanse of the metal universe, a new constellation has emerged, shining with an intensity that pierces the veil of the ordinary. This celestial body is none other than Gatecreeper, whose latest opus, “Dark Superstition,” has been etched into the annals of Nuclear Blast with the ink of innovation and the quill of creativity.

“Dark Superstition” is not merely an album; it is a journey through the catacombs of the mind, where each note resonates with the echoes of arcane wisdom and each lyric conjures the spirits of the ancient world. The band, hailing from the mystical deserts of Arizona, has channeled the enigmatic energy of the Superstition Mountains into a sonic experience that transcends the boundaries of death metal.

The album opens with “The Summoning,” a track that beckons the listener into Gatecreeper’s realm with a siren’s call of haunting melodies and thunderous riffs. As the journey unfolds, we are led deeper into the labyrinth of sound with “Spectral Procession,” where the ethereal interplay of guitar and drum weaves a tapestry of auditory hallucinations.

At the heart of “Dark Superstition” lies “Elixir of Immortality,” a masterpiece that captures the alchemical transformation of metal into pure gold. The song is a crucible in which the raw elements of death metal are fused with the mystical properties of gothic undertones, creating an elixir that promises eternal life to those who dare to drink.

The album’s title track, “Dark Superstition,” is a manifesto of the band’s philosophy, exploring the dichotomy between the known and the unknown, the seen and the unseen. It is a homage to the human fascination with the occult, a nod to the superstitions that have guided civilizations since time immemorial.

As the odyssey concludes with “The Final Incantation,” we are left with the realization that “Dark Superstition” is more than an album—it is a gateway to another dimension, a dimension where death metal is not just music but a form of higher truth.

Gatecreeper’s “Dark Superstition” stands as a monolith of creativity, a testament to the band’s ability to forge a new path in the landscape of heavy music. It is a beacon for those who seek to explore the depths of their own darkness, a guide for the wanderers of the sonic abyss. With this album, Gatecreeper has not only captured the essence of death metal; they have redefined it for a new era.

As the death metal genre continues to evolve, Gatecreeper stands at the forefront with their groundbreaking album, “Dark Superstition.” Released by Nuclear Blast, this album is not just a collection of songs but a narrative that weaves through the very fabric of the genre’s history and future.

“Dark Superstition” marks Gatecreeper’s third full-length album, a significant milestone for the Arizona-based quintet. Vocalist Chase H. Mason, guitarists Eric Wagner and Israel Garza, drummer Metal Matt Arrebollo, and bassist Alex Brown have honed their craft to produce an album that is both a nod to their roots and a bold step forward.

The band’s journey began with their self-titled EP in 2014, which established them as serious contenders in the death metal scene. Their debut full-length, “Sonoran Depravation,” released in 2016, was a homage to their desert origins and a statement of intent. It earned them a tour with genre giants Cannibal Corpse and Power Trip, solidifying their place in the metal community.

With “Deserted” in 2019, Gatecreeper explored what they termed “stadium death metal,” a sound that resonated with fans and critics alike, landing them at number three on Decibel magazine’s top 40 list for the year.

“Dark Superstition” is a culmination of a decade’s worth of growth and exploration. The album is more concise, melodic, and memorable than anything the band has done before. Chase H. Mason describes the refining of song structures as a sign of the band’s maturation, saying, "We’re getting better at what we do".

The album’s production saw the collaboration with Swedish death metal legend Fred Estby of Dismember, who flew to Arizona to assist in pre-production. His influence is evident in tracks like “Masterpiece of Chaos,” which carries the classic Swedish death metal sound into Gatecreeper’s unique style.

Thematically, “Dark Superstition” delves into the supernatural, with songs that intertwine Mason’s personal experiences with broader concepts of divination, fear of the unknown, and trust in magic or chance. The album’s title is a direct reference to the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, a range steeped in tragedy and legends of hidden fortunes.

Musically, Gatecreeper has expanded their sonic palette on tracks like “Flesh Habit” and the lead single “The Black Curtain,” which bear the influence of UK goth bands like Sisters of Mercy and Fields of the Nephilim. It’s a testament to the band’s versatility and willingness to push the boundaries of their sound.

“Dark Superstition” is set to be released on a special purple limited colored vinyl, adding a physical allure to the auditory experience. Recorded at GodCity Studio with Converge guitarist Kurt Ballou, the album represents a step up in production quality and a change in direction for the band. The recording process in Salem, with its rich history of the Salem Witch Trials, added an extra layer of supernatural ambiance to the album.

In essence, “Dark Superstition” is Gatecreeper’s answer to pivotal albums like Entombed’s “Wolverine Blues” or Dismember’s “Massive Killing Capacity,” where the songs became tighter and more rock-influenced. It’s a bold statement that Gatecreeper is not just part of the new wave of American death metal—they are leading it.

With “Dark Superstition,” Gatecreeper invites listeners on an odyssey into the sonic abyss, where death metal is not just music but a form of higher truth. It’s an album that promises to redefine the genre for a new era and cement Gatecreeper’s legacy as pioneers of death metal’s evolution.

Track Listing:

  1. Dead Star - The opening track sets the tone for the album with its relentless energy and establishes the overarching theme of cosmic horror and existential dread.
  2. Oblivion - A song that delves into the concept of nothingness, featuring a blend of crushing riffs and atmospheric solos that evoke a sense of vast emptiness.
  3. The Black Curtain - The lead single from the album, it showcases Gatecreeper’s ability to combine their signature death metal sound with gothic influences.
  4. Masterpiece Of Chaos - A nightmarish vision described by Mason as “a broken mirror with an ominous creature that lives within the fragmented web of glass,” this track is a highlight of the album’s thematic exploration of the supernatural.
  5. Superstitious Vision - This song captures the essence of the album’s title, weaving personal experiences with broader concepts of superstition and the unknown.
  6. A Chilling Aura - A track that stands out for its eerie melodies and chilling narrative, adding a layer of depth to the album’s dark atmosphere.
  7. Caught In The Treads - With its pummeling drums and aggressive vocals, this song reflects the band’s hardcore influences and adds a visceral intensity to the album.
  8. Flesh Habit - Expanding the band’s sonic palette, this song incorporates elements of UK goth rock, creating a unique blend of styles that remains true to Gatecreeper’s roots.
  9. Mistaken For Dead - A song that explores themes of resurrection and mistaken identity, featuring some of the most complex arrangements on the album.
  10. Tears Fall From The Sky - The closing track brings the album to a powerful conclusion, combining sorrowful melodies with a sense of cathartic release.

The album “Dark Superstition” is a significant release for Gatecreeper, marking their first album with Nuclear Blast. It showcases a more concise, melodic, and memorable approach to songwriting compared to their previous works. Vocalist Chase H. Mason emphasizes the refinement of song structures as a sign of the band’s evolution.

The band collaborated with Swedish death metal legend Fred Estby of Dismember, who assisted in pre-production, contributing to the album’s classic Swedish death metal influence, particularly noticeable in tracks like “Masterpiece of Chaos.” Thematically, the album explores supernatural themes, divination, fear of the unknown, and trust in magic or chance, with many songs incorporating Mason’s personal experiences.

The title “Dark Superstition” references the Superstition Mountains in Arizona, known for their beauty as well as the legends of tragedy and hidden fortunes that surround them. This adds a layer of mystique and local folklore to the album’s narrative.

Gatecreeper’s expansion of their sonic palette is evident in tracks like “Flesh Habit” and the lead single “The Black Curtain,” which bear the influence of UK goth bands such as Sisters of Mercy and Fields of the Nephilim. This blend of styles maintains Gatecreeper’s signature sound while introducing a sharper edge to their music.

The album was recorded at the renowned God City Studios with Kurt Ballou of Converge, who also mixed the album, ensuring a high-quality production that complements the band’s artistic vision. The special purple limited colored vinyl edition adds a collectible aspect for fans and vinyl enthusiasts.

With “Dark Superstition,” Gatecreeper is set to continue their ascent in the death metal scene, offering a fresh perspective while honoring the genre’s traditions. The album promises to be a pivotal release for the band and a milestone in the new wave of American death metal.

As the final notes of “Dark Superstition” fade into silence, we are left with the reverberations of Gatecreeper’s monumental creation. This album is not just a collection of tracks; it is a chronicle of the band’s evolution and a beacon for the future of death metal. With each riff, each beat, and each growl, Gatecreeper has etched their name into the annals of metal history.

“Dark Superstition” stands as a testament to the band’s dedication to their craft and their fans. It is a work that defies expectations, transcends genres, and challenges listeners to embrace the darkness within. As Gatecreeper continues to tour and share their music with the world, they carry with them the spirit of innovation and the promise of more groundbreaking music to come.

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